Friday, 26 February 2016

Mike's view - Only confusion

I am so worried about this referendum coming up in June. I am not particularly keen on the way Europe is going nor am I too enthusiastic about the way this countries going. I have two main worries I can’t believe politicians and if we leave I can’t see anyone capable of running the country for the good of the population. In my view Margret Thatcher was a leader not that she did this country much good but at least you knew where you and the country stood like it or not. But since her demise there has not been a leader amongst any of the past prime ministers, Tony Blair seemed okay at the start but when he ignored his country in favour of George Bush and cocked up the Middle East for an unknown period of trouble he lost totally my belief in him. So if we vote to stay we continue to kowtow to that ever closer band partners all following their own agenda or leave them behind and become like a rudderless ship. Not much of a choice is it?

Friday, 19 February 2016

Coming soon 'Tee for two'

Well the new book is nearing completion and will be going out to my beta reader for their opinions in a couple of weeks. It actually started as a short story and like Topsy just grew. It now runs to about 70,000 words and tells the tale of the private life of a professional lady golfer. No it’s not a golfing book Gemma just happens to play golf for a living and like many ladies has an interesting and challenging life on and mainly off the golf course. Caddies can be both a hindrance and a help, demanding and long suffering especially if they’re male which Gemma’s are. It’s funny how they can affect a girls game no matter where it happens but you do need to be close to them.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Mike's They're dead so what

There are times when I look at a blank page and think I’ve got to write a blog, as I like to write one once a week, and nothing comes to mind. Then you look around for a hook to start you off, I’ve just been reading a most interesting book, no it’s not one of Syb’s excellent publications, it’s a biography of Lawrence of Arabia but more precisely it’s a history of the first world war in the Middle East. It left me thinking nothing’s changed our leaders are still keen to follow their own agendas seemingly without thought to the common man, in WW1 the leaders of both sides threw men into battle saying we didn’t do badly we only lost 10,00 men to day still we’ll do the same tomorrow. During one advance the British army lost a man for every 2 inches of ground gained and now each year we remember dead. It seems that society is becoming immune to other peoples suffering. To bring it up to date how many digital games employ the murder/killing of others to gain ground and win. I saw my grandson playing a game involving a swimmer, he was called for a meal and instead of just ending the game he drowned the swimmer, a shock to me as the drowning was realistic, a way of ending the game to him. What does it do to their minds? What if they become the leaders in future and some of them will.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Mike's Infinity

You may have guessed that I am fascinated by such imponderable things as nothing, infinity, eternity, timeless and the like. They are things we never come across in our daily lives and exist only in theory. There is we are told by people of a far greater mental facility than I have, that the implosion of a star collapses into an infinitely small point of infinite power. If the point is infinitely small then it can only have position and no body, it is so difficult  to imagine; and what of nothing it can have no boarders and its totally empty, is it only a theory but did it ever exist? Eternity can have no time as it has no beginning or end and tomorrow and today are the same, a circumstance that is beyond our experience and understanding. These are really words we use without thought and most probably inappropriately, to think about them deeply I have found is an interesting mental exercise.

I often wonder why we as humans accept things we cannot visualise and yet understand their meaning, I find it just as mystifying that atheists cannot accept the existence of God. Are our expectations too high and our ability to belief too little?