I intend to
write ten books, at the moment I have just started number nine. All are
different except the Evergreen Series and this one will be different again. It
concerns a service family in the Second World War and the predicaments faced
because of the war. During the war itself I was too young to know what was
going on but within twenty years of it I was married to a serviceman and living
in Germany. We loved it and found that the ordinary German people friendly,
welcoming not as we were led to believe during the hostilities.
In fact we made many friends by the simple
expedient of walking into a shop and asking in our English German what an item
was called. If they replied in English and lots of them spoke it we would say
“How about coming round to our house and teach us German?” This way we found
out a lot about how they suffered from their own side and what it was like to
live under Hitler’s regime. Of course it
helps enormously in writing this book as I am able to give life to both sides
of the war. I have only just started and have much research to do to get it
right but I will keep you posted as it develops.