Saturday, 24 June 2017

If you bought it, thanks - If you read it, what's your reaction?

Well the first few copies are off the shelves and before I thought folks had time to read it I’m getting some favourable comments which is all very encouraging. It’s always difficult for an author for the first few weeks of a new publication knowing readers reaction to your new book.  Especially as I always try to find a different setting to my stories and indeed explore different situations giving as much  variety as possible. As my readers will know I always try to have a happy ending ‘Inshallah’ is perhaps the exception where you are to decide on the hero and heroine fate, depending on your own way of thinking. ‘Both Sides’ is much more straightforward it does lead you a dance through the book but happiness reins in the end. 

Saturday, 10 June 2017

At last the new book!

Goodness what a long time it’s been since I did a blog, I hadn’t realised I’ve been so busy finishing off my new book and that took a lot longer than I expected. I wanted it right of course so there was a lot of checking facts, I can remember some of it but most of my readers would not have been born when it all happened so in a way it’s a bit of history for them. It was interesting studying how it was for both sides especially those German who were against the Nazi element and the dreaded SS. Now a days it seems so unlikely that a nation would treat its own citizens so but then one has only to think of IS and the Middle East to realise that it’s still happening. When will we learn to all get along together?
Here’s a copy of the preface to whet you appetite:- This is a story with many tales within it all based in the Second World War. A story that deals with the trials and tribulations of two families one German and one English on each side of the divide. The English family from father down engaged in and about the RAF and eager to support their country. The German family farmers who do not like the autocratic and authoritarian rule of the Nazi party and all it stood for, are suddenly presented with the opportunity of saving and hiding an English pilot who has parachuted on their land.

The story covers both sides and all family members, the Oakley’s are father, mother, son and two daughters whilst the Gunther’s have only one daughter. Each character is treated in full and shows the development of their separate and communal lives. It is a tale to show the possibilities of an approach to life on both sides of a major war.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Mike another look at Syb's new book

I really enjoyed reading Syb’s new book, it doesn’t have a title yet and is just about to go out to the beta readers. As usual it’s unlike any of the other books she’s written, she always seems to have a reason for writing a book and if you’ve read any of them you’d recognise the purpose of each. Inshallah was an attempt to explain Saudi family life at the time we were there written for expatriates putting forward the reason for their religious beliefs and they’re acceptance of them, Seducing Judy was to give an explanation of war damaged servicemen and so on.

The new book is an explanation of the domestic life of two families one English and one German and how World War 2 affected them. It includes service and family life during the conflict and their reaction to it. It does not take sides it has been carefully researched and as readers of this blog will know both Syb and myself experienced the war first hand though we were too young to appreciate its worse effects. It is set in a novel form; of love interests and in one case set across the divide of the warring parties how it happens would spoil the tale if I told you but it is quite plausible and held my interest. It is a book I will recommend when it has a name and is published an event which is not too far off.