Friday 19 September 2014

Our new Newfoundland friend

A review of my book ‘Life with my Newfoundlands’ in Newf Scene (The newsletter of the Newfoundland Club) whilst being very fair bemoaned the fact that we no longer had a Newf of our own and suggested that we could perhaps find one to cuddle occasionally. As fate would have it a couple of days later we found a Newf close by owned by some very pleasant people who we met in unusual circumstances.

A parcel was delivered to our door while we were out, it was just left leaning against the wall by the front door which we never use and cannot be viewed from our usual exit point. However a neighbour phoned us up and told us about it, true it was a large heavy parcel addressed to a building we didn’t recognise. Fortunately there was the address and phone number of the sender on the label so we contacted them and asked them to do something about it. Early the next day we received a call from the person who was expecting the parcel and he volunteered to collect it. He arrived within a few minutes and as he thanked us; his eyes lit on our Newfoundland wall, “I’ve got a Newfoundland dog” he said. The conversation then turned from parcels to Newfs and ended up with an invitation to visit their dog.

Naturally we took up the invitation, we hadn’t had close contact with Newfs since Hogan had died and that was some years ago. We had longed to have contact with them but the opportunity had never arisen before, so now was our chance. We arrived in their yard where several cars were parked but what we noticed most was a large black head stuck through the cat flap. He was obviously excited and we were afraid he would tear the door off its hinges so we quickly went over and made a fuss of the head. In a few minutes the door opened and a huge ball of black fur leapt out at us, if you know what a Newfoundland’s greeting is like then you will know how it was on initial contact. Loki calmed down after a little while and we all introduced ourselves.

He was just a year old and owned by two busy people, we got an invitation to visit him or borrow him whenever we wanted, a gift from heaven, at the moment we are discussing how best to use this wonderful chance. We visited him again yesterday he was much calmer and much more demanding of fusses and now have an open invitation to visit him any time we like. It’s funny how a miss placed parcel can open up the world to you, our reviewer was right we now have a Newf to cuddle.

 Life with my Newfoundlands  -


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