Friday 11 December 2015

Mike's memories - Wine making Saudi style

As they say Christmas is coming and I was contemplating various past Christmases which lead me to think of booze and so my thoughts went on to drinking in the UK expatriate community in Saudi Arabia. Funny how the mind wanders over to the less tasty moments of our lives, at least if you have ever tasted the stuff we used to brew out there you will know what I mean.
If you were of the patient sort of expatriate you would acquire a five gallon plastic container and a length of plastic gas pipe, then put I think it was about five pounds of sugar in the container fill it with as many bottles of grape juice as you could conveniently get in followed by a packet of yeast arrange the gas pipe so it was in a leak proof hole through the cap of the container. Coil the gas pipe so it formed a loop drop a little water in to form a seal so that gases could escape but no air could enter. If you really were patient sort you would leave it for six months or so until it had stopped breathing, but if you were normal you would kill the fermentation process in a couple of weeks and drink it. You could make a reasonable sherry with sultans and in fact it was a process ripe for experimentation if you had the stomach for it.

If you were prudent you would put five gallons down every month and drink somebody else’s for the first six.

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