Thursday 14 January 2016

Mike's - I got to thinking....

The other day I got to thinking about the big bang, the start of everything they say, the formation of the universe. My thoughts took me to consider what was there before the big bang? There are those who believe that there have been many big bangs and that after a given expansion the universe implodes and starts again, but what before the first one, what was there? Nothing? To my mind nothing is the most stable state, if there is nothing then nothing can occur. But it did happen and the universe was formed or should I say it is still being formed so there must have been something way back then which means that it must have been there forever, which is odd as there is no time in nothing and then and now are the same, so forever doesn’t exist. But whatever it was that started it all must have been there. Could it been God? They say He passes all understanding and I believe he does.

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