Friday 8 May 2015

Mike's Saudi (41) Fateeha at the Supermarket

Fateeha had her moment too when Syb and Mum took her to the Supermarket, Of course in Dahran there was Safeway full of American products so she knew about them and used them when she was home. But Booths was a rather different type of prospect being a rural institution and of course the product range was totally strange to her. Not to allow the strangeness of the produce throw her and much to Syb and Mum’s dilemma she took the tops of the jars, dipped her finger in and tasted it. Syb rescued the opened jars from the shelf where Fateeha had returned them and put them in her trolley, explaining that it was not done here. Fateeha continued on her merry (but reformed) way filling a second trolley with everything she fancied. At the checkout she paid cash said something to Syb who turned to Mum and said “Fateeha says they are all for you”. I believe Mum still had some of things Fateeha bought for her when she died years later.

Pork is considered dirty in the Quran and no Muslim would touch it or anything made of it. However Mansour understood that we did not share this view and said we should not hold back knowing that we had not been able to enjoy bacon in Saudi. He suggested that we should have an English breakfast; next morning we took him up on it and had what to us was the usual fry up. We were sat at the table opposite the two of them and could see the discomfort on their faces as we tucked in, they were literally on the verge of being sick. We hurried our breakfast and never touched anything to do with pork in front of them again. It just made me realize how psychological indoctrination can really affect the human mind but it was a very low price to pay for our guest’s happiness.

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