Thursday 8 October 2015

Golf grows on me

After I finished my last book “The Daughter of Sandstone Manor” I decided to take a year off from writing. After all I’d been writing constantly for about 3 or 4 years and had seven books to my credit. But writing for me had become a way of life and after a little while I felt the need to create something. So for a change I thought maybe a short story about golf would be the answer. In the past I had played a little golf and as this was only a short story why not try it as a subject using the little knowledge I had.
Of course the best laid plans of mice and men etc the ideas kept coming and my short story has become the start of a book. I’d promised myself that my next book would be another historical novel having done so much research on the 18th century. It had seemed the way to go but once started I couldn’t forget golf and the tale of a lady champion. Naturally I don’t know enough about the professional game so I’m back on the research trail. It’s a far more fascinating the game than I first thought, now with sponsors, training, diet it has become so complicated even before you get to the course. Naturally professional golfer have a personal life too which can add a load of possibilities especially for a single lady golfer.

The seven books I’ve written cover so many aspects of life. In Saudi Arabia where I lived and wrote my fist book to the tales of intimate relationships in a factory, a highly successful woman in tourism and 18th century lady; as well as a very personal book about my wonderful Newfoundland dogs. I love writing it is so life expanding.

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